With this form, you can enter your registration details for the IMP 2020 Concluding Symposium. Please enter all information carefully so we can fully assure that all measures are taken for your participation (e.g. dietary restrictions, accessibility).
In the afternoon of the Symposium, we will run two parallel sessions:
- An in depth presentation of the IMP Book
- An in depth presentation of the IMP Toolbox.
Because of space restrictions, only the first 50 subscribers to each session will be guaranteed a place in the session of their choice. All others will be assigned to a particular session when registrations close.
In order to assign the rooms in the venue to these sessions, please select the session you wish to attend:
We are storing your personal information only for the purpose of managing registrations for this symposium. We will not make your information public or pass it on to any third parties. Please let us know at info@ichandmuseums.eu if you have any questions about the storage of your data.
There will be photography and videography at the event. These will be used on the IMP website (www.ICHandmuseums.eu), on our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/ICHandMuseums) and possibly in future publications by the Intangible Cultural Heritage & Museums Project or its lead partner Werkplaats immaterieel erfgoed. Please let us know at info@ichandmuseums.eu if you object to any pictures or video’s featuring you being included in our online or printed materials.
The registration fee for the Concluding Symposium is € 35 if you previously joined us for an IMP International Conference or Expert Meeting, and € 75 for others. Your registration will only be final once we have received your payment in our bank account. It will not be possible to pay at the venue on the day of the Symposium.
The registration fee includes lunch, coffee breaks, and a copy of the IMP Book, which will be presented at the meeting.
Payment details:
IBAN: BE04 3800 1834 8431
Account holder: Werkplaats Immaterieel Erfgoed, Sint-Jakobsstraat 36, 8000 Bruges, Belgium
Bank name: ING Belgium
Bank address: Marnixlaan 24, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Please add the following line to your bank transfer: “Registration IMP 2020 + Your Name” so we can identify your payment. After payment, you will receive a confirmation of your registration within a week.
You can register until and including Friday 14 February. If you have any questions about the registration or payment, please let us know at info@ichandmuseums.eu.