Intangible Cultural Heritage & Museums Project

From 2017 to 2020 the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums Project has explored the variety of approaches, interactions and practices on safeguarding intangible cultural heritage together with museums

Book: Museums and intangible cultural heritage.

PDF Document

IMP-book: Executive summary (EN)

PDF Document

IMP-book: Executive summary (NL)

PDF Document

IMP-book: Executive summary (IT)

PDF Document

Past events


CIDOC ICH Working Group - Mexico

Mexico City - UNAM


IMP Concluding Symposium - Museums and intangible heritage: towards a third space in the heritage sector

Le Bouche à Oreille, Brussels



Live session of the CIDOC ICH Working Group (24.09.2023)

During the CIDOC 2023 Conference in Mexico an in person session of the ICH Working Group will be organised on September 24, 2023, hosted by Workshop intangible heritage Flanders and ICOM Belgium Flanders.

Read more and register!

Online session of the CIDOC ICH Working Group (23.05.2023)

Take part in an online session on May 23, 2023 from 14h00-16h00 CET on ‘capturing intangible cultural heritage into data: towards a standard for recording living heritage in collection management systems’. 

All information and subscription modalities are provided here!

Partners and funding