The Théâtre des Origines has been performing in the streets of Occitanie, Southern France, for fifteen years in close contact with local communities, revitalizing and recreating seasonal rituals. From Carnival to « Martror », the Festival of the Dead. The Théâtre des Origines invites us to re-think the relationship between Man, Nature and the City.
Rooted in popular theatre and carnival traditions, the creations of the Théâtre des Origines aim at raising awareness on our intangible cultural heritage through itinerant, inter-disciplinary and interactive performances. The Théâtre des Origines have especially designed a concept of 'burlesque conference' about the specificities of ICH, dedicated to a wide audience. They experience an evolutive project that adapts to different performing contexts, inspired by regional cultures and picking up exemples in ICH of the local communities. After Occitanie, the Théâtre des Origines has been invited in residency at the French Center for ICH located in Western France, and developed a new version of their 'conference' integrating living heritage in Britany.
In the frame of the Intangible Cultural Heritage & Museum Project, the Théâtre des Origines has been hosted during one week at the Cité internationale de la Tapisserie in Aubusson, a small town located in Central France (Limousin) and famous for its art of tapestry, inscribed in 2009 on the 2003 UNESCO lists. To get to know local context and ICH, they met and interviewed weavers, artists and inhabitants of Aubusson, then performing at the Cité during the 4th International Conference of IMP.