Expert Meeting: Intangible Cultural Heritage, Museums and Innovation (DAY 2)

The power of transformation

Event information

read report

During this Expert meeting, we will explore the innovating and transformational power/capacity that intangible cultural heritage (ICH) and its safeguarding brings into museums today, and vice versa.

Subscription modalities, see:

Position paper

Read the position paper, titled 'Museums and Intangible Cultural Heritage: new models for innovation' by Francesca Cominelli.




06 February 2019 from 07:45 to 18:00
Check out the program


La Cité internationale de la tapisserie (France)


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8h45 Coffee and registratrion
9h15 Welcome

Position paper: 'Museums and ICH: new models for innovation?' - abstract

by Francesca Cominelli (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

10h30 Coffee break 

Museums from throughout Europe present their inspiring cases on intangible cultural heritage and innovation (part 1)


  • Madeleine Leclair - Musée d’ethnographie de Genève (CH): Sound archives and creation
  • Olivier Quiquempois - Musée international de la Parfumerie (FR): The creation of the Gardens of the musée international de la parfumerie and the redesign of the permanent exhibition
  • Marcel Teheux - Nederlands Zilvermuseum Schoonhoven (NL): Stokroos Stipendium and Schoonhoven Silver Award
12h10 Lunch break 

Museums from throughout Europe present their inspiring cases on intangible cultural heritage and innovation (part 2)

  • Alexandra Duchêne - Nuage Vert. Musée mobile Vallée de la Dordogne (FR): Nuage Vert, un musée mobile dans et hors les murs pour comprendre la biodiversité et la culturodiversité
  • Silvia Mascalchi - Gallerie degli Uffizi (IT): Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Uffizi Galleries: proposals and opportunites
  • Cassiano Luminati - Polo Poschiavo (CH): From the Field to the Table
  • Federico Bonfanti - Polo Museale del Molise (IT): The procession of the Mysteries of Campobasso
14h30 Coffee break 

Workshop: Innovating the safeguarding of ICH together with museums 

facilitated by Jasper Visser (VISCH+STAM)



by Jean-Louis Tornatore (Centre Georges Chevrier, Université de Bourgogne)

18h00 Guided tour at the Cité internationale de la tapisserie


Subscribe to the event

Three museum experts from The Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, France and Belgium (fifteen in total) are invited to participate to the International conference and Expert meeting on Intangible Cultural Heritage, Museums and Innovation that will take place in Aubusson (France) on February 5&6, 2019.

Interested museum professionals can check out the call for proposals here. More detailed information about the subscription modalities can be found in the Guidelines.

Deadline for submissions: November 16, 2018.